83 yilinin kasim ayinin sessiz bir cumartesi gunu dunyada bulmusum kendimi. Artik nesli tukenen turde bir cekirdek ailenin ilk cocuguyum. Istanbulda dogup, buyumem, gelismem ve olgunlug(?!) ermem tam 21-22 yilimi aldi. Kolay degilmis olgunluga ermek velhasil. Ilk okuldan beri bilgisayarlari cok severdim nedendir bilmiyorum, bana hep gizemli gelmislerdir. O CRT tuplu monitor devirlerinin cocuklariydik tabi ne de olsa. Onlerinde zaman gecirmeyi bile gizemli bulmusumdur. Her elektron oynamasinda ekranda ortaya cikan renk cumbusu beni heyecanlandirirdi orta okul yillarinda. 97 yilinda Kabatasta lise ogrenimime, 01 yilindada Rumeli hisar ustunde universite ogrenimime basladim. Matematik sevdasi ile baslayan universite yillarim, teorem-ispat ikilemi icinde gecmis olsada daha sonralari elektronik askinin agir basmasi ile bolum degitirmeye kadar beni surukledi universite hayati surecinde. 06 da elektronik muh. den mezun olup ABD ye doktora egitimi icin geldim. Bu surec yaklasik 6 yilimi alsada, bana cok seyler kattigi inancindayim. Doktorluk unvanini alma neticesinde burdaki bir sirkette calismaya basladim. Su ana kadar egitim hayatim boyunca beni ayakta tutan umut ile kardesligim halen devam etmekte...
Born in one of the saturdays of 83's Nov. sunny afternoon. Felt proud of being a member of a wonderful family. It has taken almost 21-22 years living in Istanbul to become a partially mature human. Realized that it is not so easy to become a mature man after all. My appreciation and fascination for computers dates back to my primary school years. Don't know why but i always found them appealing and intriguing. We were the children of CRT screen computer generation. I even found it exciting by solely staying in front of that outdated technology displays and watching the colorful rainbow-like electron shoots that created images and video sequences on the glossy screen. In 97, I gave a short prelude to high school education in Kabatas and in 01, my university years stareted in Rumeli Hisar ustu. The unprecedented love for math allured me from the very first moment when i found myself in the middle of theorem-proof riddle in 03. Later though, i was inclined to pursue my long-loved electronics and computer engineering objective in the electronics department of the same university. Luckly, graduated from the same department in 06 and took a step forward for advance studies in USA. Still I am pursing my Ph.d work here in SD and I guess I am getting along well with our close old-friend "HOPE" while i am approaching to a new graduation on the horizon.
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